I have been following Michelle's blog right back from the beginning, she was one of the first Western Australian bloggers I found and I have been enjoying reading about her home renovations ever since. Her posts have lots of details and tips about renovating so if you are thinking of doing anything to your house I'd definitely recommend checking it out, as her and her partner have almost finished renovating their entire house and the improvements are amazing!
There are some questions I need to answer for my stop in the tour...
What am I working on?
Currently I am focusing on developing my knitting skills. My mum tells a story of when I was about three and a half I asked her if I could learn to knit (Mum did a lot of knitting and spinning her own wool when I was young). Mum told me I could learn when I was four, more as a putting me off tactic I think. So on my fourth birthday apparently one of the first things I asked was if I could now learn to knit. I believe I was successful in learning to knit a square. I probably knitted scarves for my barbie dolls. But then I forgot. So I relearned to knit about ten years ago. And then forgot again. And then I got into crochet and picked that up so easily. Knitting is so much trickier for me. I'm finally on track with it, I have learnt to use circular needles and now I'm learning about using double point needles (dpns). It's all a bit exciting, I really enjoy learning new things.

At the moment, I'm sticking with beanies. Yes, it is the beginning of Spring. A terrible time for beanie knitting. But it's two weeks until we fly out to Europe so these beanies are going to come in handy for the predicted 15-20 degree maximum forecast weather we'll be experiencing.
The one above is for me. My first attempt at dpns and at moss stitch as well. The one below is for MR, knit up with the possum/merino blend I bought on our holiday to New Zealand last year.
And after finishing the above one last night, I've already cast on the next. A slouchy one this time. And I'm having a go at casting on with dpns, another new thing for me.
How does my work differ from others?
To be honest, I don't think my work differs greatly from others. I'm not cutting edge, I'm only trying things that are new to me, not new to anyone else.
I'll try anything once. As I mentioned, I love learning new things. There's been candle making and mosaics, clock creating,
drawing with pastels, painting, embroidery, sashiko, amigurumi crochet, occasional sewing, crochet blankets, button creations. Seriously, the list goes on. If I'm creating, I'm happy.
My blog is a bit of a mish mash of everything. The only thing different on my blog to most crafty/lifestyle blogs you'll find out there is that I've had a
liver transplant and occasionally you'll come across posts about that and gory scar photos! Something different but I'm trying to move away from my health ruling my life and my health has been pretty good of late.
Koala amigurumi |
How does my writing/creating process work?
I'm a couch creator. I blog on the couch, I knit on the couch, I embroider and crochet on the couch. I love my couch. It is such a comfortable space. I find typing at a desk leaves me hunched up and slouched and lop-shouldered. If I'm doing something that I can't do on the couch, like painting, I'll often do it on the floor rather than at the table. My day job is an early childhood teacher so I'm often on the floor and I'm naturally most comfortable sitting with my legs crossed.
Apart from where you can find me, everything else is up in the air. I'm a huge fly by the seat of your pants / wing it sort of girl. Whether it is creating or writing this comes into play. There are a lot of last minute decisions, spontaneous crafting with not quite the right tools or materials, late night posting or two posts in a day and then none for two weeks. That's me in a nutshell. I'd love to say I was organised and had plans and those sorts of things but I've never managed that in my life so far and I think I'm still a while away from getting there! One day. We always need goals right?
So I'm a bit different from most of the other high organised bloggers out there on this blog tour. Not to worry! Thanks so much for inviting me on the tour Michelle, I've had fun looking back through my creative photos to decide which photos to post.
My two nominees are....
Sally and I met online, soon after we both started blogging. We learnt to crochet together, by which I mean we emailed back and forth about all the difficulties we were having and we both attempted the same pattern so that we could help each other through reading the confusing terminology! Nowadays, Sally and I usually see each other once a month at our Brown Owls craft meetup. She's a pretty awesome lady and my mama inspiration (when I eventually become a mum).
Hiya! I'm Sally from virtù.
I began my blog on a whim one night back when I first started to learn
about sewing. It was a way of recording my achievements and a means of
connecting with other people. I still remember the absolute elation I
experienced when someone commented on my blog for the very first time.
At the time I had two small children and was still getting the hang of
being "isolated" at home.
I initially got to know Nicole through instagram after following her because she was a friend of someone else I followed. Eventually, I stopped being lazy and clicked on the link to her blog in her instagram profile and low and behold, here was someone a bit like me. A one fur baby family, a crafter, a much more successful gardener and someone who loves spending time in the kitchen just as much as I do. She's much more productive and organised than I am though!
I'm Nicole and I blog at
dabbling all day. I'm from Melbourne, Australia and live with my partner, BB, and our kitty, Sampson. I
write about all the things I'm dabbling in at any one time, whether it
be gardening, crafting, photography, cooking or baking! I'm always up to
I look forward to reading your posts next Monday ladies.
Thank you everyone for coming to visit my little corner of blogland, I hope you come back soon. x