Tuesday, 11 March 2014


Sewing date and lunch with some lovely friends at my place.  I almost got this quilt that I started at the beginning of last year finished, only about 20 cms of stitching the binding on to go and I'm embarrassed to say, it is still not finished!  I put it down after the girls left because I had some school prep to do for the next day.  Must. Finish!

The Bertie Blankie is going well, I am getting a bit more done most nights of the week.  I'm getting close to being half way there and in even better news, I'm not yet bored of it! 

The Block (the first reality TV show I've been sucked into, ever!)

The Riddick movies

Thor: The Dark World

The Gentleman Bastard Series, Books 2 and 3.  If you like a bit of a fantasy/intrigue/con artist sort of thing this series by Scott Lynch is pretty great!!  I found out about it via a review by one of my favourite authors, Patrick Rothfuss, on Goodreads.  How exciting is it to see what your favourite authors like to read?  He rated the first and second books with five stars so I thought I'd give it a go and I'm glad I did.

and now back on to the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan.  I got book 13 for Christmas and it's the final in the series but I'm determined to reread them all before reading the last one so I am all up to speed and know exactly where everything has been left off.  No missing important bits here just because I've forgotten them!  I just started book 5 last night.  Do you reread series when the next in the order comes out? 

Banana and raspberry bread

My comfort food - sago  

Anzac biscuits for MR, and using my new biscuit barrel for the first time.

Pancakes, the last three weekends in a row!!

My pumpkin is looking more pumpkinly every day.  Unfortunately only one flower was pollinated so there's only one pumpkin.  My dad told me (way too late to do anything about it) that I should have pollinated the female flowers with the male flowers by hand but unfortunately I really am a gardening novice and had no idea there were female and male flowers on the same plant and just thought all the flowers should turn into fruit through immaculate conception.  Clearly not.  I will know better for next time a pumpkin plant decides to grow in my garden.  Especially now that I have googled it and know how to do it and tell the two different flowers apart.

What exciting things have been happening in your world lately?



Bron said...

oooo lots of loving things happening in your part of the woods. xxxx

Michelle {Jarrah Jungle} said...

Lots happening over at your place, that bertie blankie is gorgeous lovely pattern you clever thing. Im reading 3 books at the moment and as soon as I finish 1 Im sure another 3 will land in my lap ... if only I could trade work days for reading on the couch days :)

Sally said...

I still haven't finished my quilt either. Getting close, & I've found out the baby's name... Just so hot on my lap. Want it finished and posted by Friday. Must make every effort.
At home with all my boys today. E has an ear ache and O's family day carer is on holidays. We're having a nice time just taking it easy.

Amanda said...

That blanket is stunning! And I can't wait to see your quilt. I'm almost finished Sophie's (similar style to Grace's)... just need to do the border, sandwich it and bind it...

2paw said...

Well, nothing as exciting as pumpkin sex!!!! Nice biscuit barrel and even nicer biscuits. Oh, I hope you finish the quilt soon, it looks so cute!! MrsDrWho is addicted to The Block and so I make a bit of an effort to know about it. (Twins who used to be police officers, a man got married, a man was cross he looked stupid, there is a 'K' couple)