via weheartit
My blogging mojo is on the blink a bit lately. Life feels a bit repetitive and my vitality is a bit drained.
I am on the whole feeling a bit blah.
My tiredness has disappeared enough to mostly feel normal, except when I do something. Heaven forbid. I manage work okay for the most part but my weekends need to be nice and restful. Doing something on the weekend leaves me needing a weekend to recover. And by doing something I mean going out for dinner and having one drink and being in bed by 11. Or walking around a street market for a couple of hours. Ridiculous. This illness is supposed to be manageable and I am supposed to be able to lead a perfectly normal life and no one is supposed to even be able to realise there is anything wrong with me. Why am I not able to achieve this? My specialist is not at all concerned by anything I am experiencing and I am left feeling lazy because I am feeling tired and blah and something that describes the feelings of confused/hypochrondiac-ish/annoyed-because-I'm-ill-but-don't-look-ill-and-therefore-can't-reap-the-benefits-of-sympathy . How incredibly fucked up is that? Yes, I'm ill and yes I look normal and yes it's great that you're treating me normal but I want someone to realise that I'm incredibly tired and everything is getting way toohardbasket on the two weeks I am home by myself. (On the one week MR is home he is being super rockish as always and doing LOTS for me and being entirely understanding of everything and encouraging me to relax on the couch while he makes dinner each night)
I don't want to blog about feeling blah though, or about my meds for some reason causing side effects that are starting more than three months after beginning them. This is not how it is supposed to happen. After three months the side effects are supposed to disappear, not begin. Namely a blotchy and (thankfully) nonitchy rash across my tummy and sides that my specialist thinks is caused by my drugs and not to worry about it. But it's ugly! I feel unattractive and Blah. And then there's the occasional throwing up after taking my tablet so violently that that I burst the blood vessels in the skin around my eyes and have little red dots in a mask across my face for the next 24-48 hours. Specialist's suggestion? Take anti nausea tablets an hour before you have your medication. Go and get this brand that is available over the counter. But wait. It is not available over the counter which means I have to go to the doctor and spend more money just to get a script written out. *Sigh* And I don't feel nauseous until after taking my tablet and not every day but I don't know what causes it so I am going to have to take it every day which seems like unneccesary drug taking to me. But throwing up your dinner on random nights is not cool. And even uncooler is stupid burst blood vessels coupled with blotchy rash making me feel super unattractive and BLAH.
I don't want to blog about that. And I don't want this blog to turn into an account of my life with Leukaemia because I am more than that. Eventually.
I am trying to keep in mind that there are so many people out there worse off than me. That a rash and occasional throwing up is not going to kill me. That my drugs are doing the job, even though my body is rebelling. That I don't have to have chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant. That really I have nothing to whinge about.
Because I don't.
But boy do I want to.
Note: If you got this far, well done and apologies. This was not the post I started out to write but it turns out it was the post that needed to be written. Perhaps it's time to actually ring the Leukaemia Foundation and find a support group?