Wednesday 23 November 2011

Hunting for my mojo

Usually at this time of the year I am flat out with reports and end of year school stuff.  Christmas is looming and I want to do so much Christmas crafting but I just don't have the time.  This year is a bit different however.  I am home, I have all day, every day free (bar a few doc appointments per week), I have no children to look after, my time is my own.  But I'm struggling to find the crafty mojo.  Or any mojo at all really!  It's been ages since I've blogged and yet I haven't been busy.  My days are currently spent couching with tv or a book or napping seeing as I'm still not sleeping properly at night. 

My recovery is going well, I can move around easily and do pretty much everything for myself, so long as I don't have to do it for a long period of time.  This week I have been trying to get into a bit of a routine, which hasn't really worked so far!  My aim is to do three half hour blocks of 'work' each day and at least one hour of crafting.  'Work' will be things like household jobs, unpacking the last few boxes in the study/spare/junk room, filing, tidying and arranging the craft room, gardening etc etc.  Today I did two loads of washing and watered the garden in the evening.  Two blocks of 'work' is better than the none I did yesterday right?

In the crafting department however it is even more dismal.  I haven't done anything since Sunday's Brown Owls meeting.  The pink granny blanket has begun to take shape, the first row is joined! I should be inspired by nearing the end of that, but I'm not really.  So today I went hunting for some Christmas inspiration to get my mojo back.  I got that ever so hard to resist $40 off when you spend $100 voucher in the mail from Spotlight and so I've been making a list of things to buy tomorrow when I tell Dad he is taking me to Spotlight after my hospital appointment.  Lucky Dad spending father daughter time in a craft shop! (I'm not allowed to drive yet)

This year at the top of my list is a wreath to hang on the front door.  I really want a wreath.  And I'm not paying $60 for one.  I'm sure I can make one for much less.

1 - 2 - 3 
4 - 5 - 6

Of course, then there is the decision of what type to make.  I like all of these, particularly the button one (middle left) which I've had saved in my inspiration folder since last November.  I also like the idea of a natural one similar to the top left but with ribbons, trim and bells.  And I'd probably need to buy a base for that because I have no idea how to make one.  The cookie cutter star wreath is just adorable but it would get lost hanging on the fly wire door.  Don't wreaths look so much nicer on a nice wooden door than on fly wire?  And the gingerbread one is great but very impractical in summer, unless I made it just for the day?  Decisions can be so hard!

What Christmassy thing is at the top of your list to make this year?


Michelle {Jarrah Jungle} said...

You're in recovery mode so I'm pretty sure that means you're meant to relax and rest so don't feel bad.
A wreath is a great chrissy project, I think the button one is adorable and any crafty thing you can sit in front of the tv and do is a winner!

2paw said...

You are going to be recovering for a while and so bits of many mojos may waver!! I am glad you are feeling better about being able to do things though. The wreaths are all nice, I like the button one but I have seen a bauble one too. Here it is:
We spent the vouchers, they are such a bargain. We bought things for school so it was kind of other people's money too, which makes it better!!

Baa-Me Kniits said...

Don't be hard on yourself you have just had major surgery so recovery will be one small step at a time. I love those wreaths, not sure what to cover mine in this year? Buttons do look cute don't they. I am madly crocheting giant doily blankets for presents this year and its a lot of crochet, RIP, crochet, RIP! My neighbour has caught the bug for them too and I am pleased to see that she is doing the same stitch ;-)

Sally said...

Nothing on the list... survival is the aim this year ;) How is that wreath going???

I did manage to get to Spotlight and spend the $100 ... but it wasn't until my third attempt. How strange... not a great reflection on my crafty mojo at all.