Sunday 1 July 2012

Sunday snippets

I'm joining in Sunday Snippets for the first time today after finally getting my Instagram act together.  I've had it for ages, just hadn't used it much or added friends or anything.  So if you want another friend, I'm threadsofhappiness, please add me so I don't feel like a total loner and have more procrastination material!

razor claws kneading my belly :: Sunday brekkie with Dad :: starting to get the hang of this knitting caper :: the face of bliss while kneading my belly :: market fare :: the neighbour's cat, Princess is Nissa's long lost twin cousin :: first of the tulip bulbs :: Winter dwarf tea rose flowers :: learning the ins and outs of pruning rose with Mum

I spent a few hours each day this weekend outside in the garden.  On Saturday, Mum came over and we did some big pruning for the green waste collection and she taught me the tricks of pruning my roses.  She also helped me work out what I was doing wrong with my rib stitch knitting I was trying to do.  Sunday, Dad came around and we went to the Wanneroo Markets (thanks for the recommendation Sally!) for some breakfast and fruit and veggies and then we planted some ground cover seedlings and I did a bit of weeding and tidying up the garden as well.  This weekend has been glorious sunny Winter weather, one of my favourite types of weather for being outside in.  I'm a bit pooped now though, after four nights in a row not getting to bed/sleep before 3am I'm really hoping I'll be ready for a midnighter tonight!

I'm heading back to work next term too, just on Wednesdays to begin with and I'll see how I go.  I'm looking forward to a bit of normality!  Also in the plans for July is getting back on the exercise horse.  I managed my 3 times a week for the whole of April but May and June were pretty bloody slack so I need to get motivated again.  Starting tomorrow with getting up early enough to make it to Liver Gym at 10am.  That means leaving home at just after 9.  It's gonna be tough so wish me luck!

Also on the cards is a birthday holiday for me.  After we didn't make it down south back in May, MR and I discussed that maybe we could go over east for my birthday present.  We've decided on Cairns so I've got to chat to the doctors this week to make sure they have no problems with me flying.  I've got my fingers crossed tight!

And finally in my mish mash of news, I found out that my leukaemia levels are doing good things again, down from 23.4% to 1.77% in just one fortnight!  Such a nice phone call to get!!

What did you get up to this weekend?  I hope you had some lovely sunny weather wherever you were as well :)


Amanda said...

Good to hear your results were looking good Megan and I'm crossing my fingers for you you're allowed to fly - how exciting to have a trip to look forward to!! Beautiful sunny weather this weekend - I actually managed to catch up on washing :) Today we went for a drive out to York for something different. Enjoy your start to the week x

carolyn said...

Megan, that's great news. I'm sure with such fab results the doctors will let you travel. "I can feel it in my water" as nanna used to say! Which means it's a sure thing.

Christie describeHappy said...

Fun to see your pictures and especially your kitty! And wonderful new to recieve indeed. Wishing you a lovely week!

2paw said...

Great numbers, well done, gold star!!! And happy birthday too.
My roses are all prunes - tow of them since someone stole the other two- horrid people.
How wonderful that you can go back to work, great news!!
Miss Meow is looking particularly nice!!

Cathy {tinniegirl} said...

Great collection of photos. Love the close up of the cat paw.