Sunday 17 April 2011

Family Language

Does your family have some words that they use that no one else you ever say them to has ever heard of?

Mine certainly does.  Some have foundations elsewhere and were picked up when my sister or I mispronounced a word as a child such as 'cuggle' for cuddle/hug.  I was in highschool before I realised this wasn't a word.

Then there are a couple of other that I have no idea where they stem from.  Such as 'globbing'.  Globbing, in my family, refers to the (incredibly disgusting) sound a person makes when they eat with their mouth open.  My dad does this very very regularly.  As children, Mum would tell my sister and I to 'stop globbing', as in 'chew with your mouth shut'.  This term has well and truly stuck and both of us have morphed into our mum by repeating this statement to Dad.  I've googled 'glob/globber/globbing' to no avail.  It does not seem to mean what it means to my family to anyone else in the world.  Perhaps it stemmed from gobbling?  Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find the accurate word to interchange it for, so it will continue to be used until that time.

Another strange word my family uses is 'catballs'.  Now this is not at all what you might think it is.  Catballs are the dry cat biscuits that the cat eats.  I haven't googled this one for fear of what might come up, but since realising that this word was another unique one to my family, I've been listening out and haven't heard anyone else use it or understand it when I say it.

I'm sure every family has some of their own words.  It does make me wonder, how often do they turn into everyday language?  What is the thing that makes them 'work' in language so well that others pick it up as well?  How many generations of my family on my mum's side have been telling their children and husbands to stop globbing?

Your turn now.  Tell me your unique-to-you-family words.  Entertain us!


2paw said...

I love your category: chatter and waffle, which describes my every post I now realise!!!
We said cackleberries for eggs which I think is common, an some mispronunciations like ambilliance and cuplery and chimbley. Dad said tiddy oggies for pasties and I think some of the words we used were from the navy, like 'dobie' for wash, not sure how to spell that!! My words are playing havoc with Firefox's spell check!!
I made up my own word: boogelly, which I use often!!

Baa-Me Kniits said...

Hooray I found you, my reader wasn't posting your posts and I forgot your new name :-( I am sure we have some strange words but they are escaping me at the moment! I am still in my PJ's and it is 3 in the holiday bliss!!

Anonymous said...

Firstly thank you so much for stopping by my blog and sharing that yummy sounding recipe. I look forward to trying it and reporting back. Secondly, my children are rarely referred to by their actual names, we used derivatives which have then morphed into something else entirely. My youngest is referred to as "Bogada" which has absolutely no similarity to his actual name. I'm going to have a think about other names for things as well.

Beautiful Day said...

I'm still cracking up about the catballs (snort!) We have a host of unusual words in our house, but they mostly relate to toileting or private parts, so I can't really share them!

A word I picked up from a parent in a school I worked at 14 years ago, is 'fruggy', meaning something like dazed, or dizzy, especially after waking up. I use that ALL the time!

Another word I picked up from a girl I met only once was 'pazpan' meaning paranoid. Weird, I know, but it just slips out whenever I go to say paranoid, then I have to explain myself!

Fun post!

Beautiful Day said...

Holy crap! I just read your post about your leukemia, and am shocked! Here I am holidaying along, trying not to blog too much, and I miss a moment like that. Sorry!

(I have actually been avoiding going to the doctor over sleep issues, but I am sure it is just late nights. You've inspired me to go to bed earlier to test this theory...and if it doesn't work...

You're lucky it's the 'good'
leukemia. Thinking of you, and keep those spirits high!xx

Marlee said...

Haha I don't know if there are any words in particular, but I use the phrase, "rocks my face off" all the time. Then I saw it in a magazine as part of an ice cream ad and I was so bummed out! Haha great blog!

ANB said...

When I was growing up my sister called every meal "didder" and complained she was "hungy" so now we are regularly "hungy for our didder." Little E for someone reason calls every type of food "minga" and points at the fridge with a most piteous expression saying "minga minga minga!" We have now got into the (probably bad) habit of asking her "do you want your mingas?" Great post! Thanks for visiting me this weekend.