Saturday, 10 March 2012

Dairy whore

Since having my liver transplant I have been able to eat dairy, my lactose intolerance seems to have entirely disappeared.  Awesome added bonus in my opinion because I Love dairy and would still eat it and get a bloated tummy and cramps afterwards.  It was worth it.  But now I can enjoy a banana smoothie for breakfast, yoghurt for afternoon tea, a ham and cheese croissant for dinner and a banana split to follow, all in the same day.  oh. my. god.  Awesome indeed.

Thank you new liver, you have now revealed two positive aspects of having to have a stupid liver transplant.  Losing weight and now this delicious time of bulk dairy eating.


Anonymous said...

This makes me so happy for you! Haha. My sister, Emma, does the same thing that you used to do. The other day we were leaving the city and I decided to get a smoothie. Her reasoning for getting one too was, "Well, we are heading home. So at least when I feel sick from it, I will just be able to hang out at home".

2paw said...

Well that is definitely a silver lining!!

Baa-Me Kniits said...
